Summer Crafts for Bored Kids

Summer Crafts for Bored Kids

Hi again Kin folks!
This is my follow up to my last blog Summer Fun For Bored Kids.

Imagine the setting, you've gotten through part of the summer. You grabbed the "I'm bored " monster  by the hand and sat his unruly bum in timeout.  You and your kin family have done some awesome activities together. You are a summer vacation rock star! As you sit, waiting for the kiddo to wake up, drinking your morning beverage of choice, you notice that it's overcast. A shiver of apprehension runs up your spine. You try to shrug it off as you get up to look at the sky, but, without you even noticing it, Gloom and his equally unpleasant sister, Resignation have parked themselves firmly in your brain...and they're starting to wreck the joint.
As you stand there, contemplating the grey sky, three things happen in unison; Gloom and Resignation throw up their first sign while wearing matching sly grins "What if it rains all day, what if it rains the rest of the week?" Your kiddo comes bounding down the stairs, a freshly rested ball of energy, and finally, sensing impending chaos, "I'm bored" boldly takes himself out of time out and marches into the scene.

That friends, is my spin on a rainy summer morning with my own Kin kiddo and I'm betting you have all experienced some variation of the same thing.

Because I'm here for you, Kin tribe, I went on the hunt again...with a mind for finding easy projects for bored kids. Disclaimer: The Craft projects are geared to younger children...but to be honest, I've not met many teens who like to craft.

1. Peanut Butter and Birdseed Pinecones:

- Ingredients:

1. Pinecones
2. Peanut butter
3. Birdseed (a mix of seeds like sunflower, millet, and safflower)
4. Twine or string for hanging

- Instructions:

1. Tie twine around the top of a pinecone to create a loop for hanging.
2. In a small dish, mix birdseed and sunflower seeds.
3. Spread peanut butter over the entire pinecone using a butter knife or spatula.
4. Roll and press the peanut butter-covered pinecone into the seed mixture.
5. Hang the pinecone outside, and watch the birds enjoy their treat

3. Peanut Butter and Lard Bird Treats:

- Ingredients:

1. Peanut butter
2. Lard
3. Birdseed
4. Bread crumbs

- Instructions:

1. Melt peanut butter and lard in a small saucepan.
2. In a large bowl, measure out birdseed and bread crumbs.
3. Add the melted peanut butter and lard to the bowl.
4. Mix until the ingredients hold together when rolled into a ball. If too sticky, add more flour

5. Apple and Banana Balls:

- Ingredients:

1. Apple
2. Banana
3. Honey
4. Millet seeds
5. Sesame seeds
6. Uncooked oats
7. Optional: ground eggshells for extra calcium

- Instructions:

1. Spread honey over a used treat stick or any stick that fits.
2. Cover the honey with millet seeds, sesame seeds, and uncooked oats. You can also add ground eggshells.
3. Make a ball out of mashed apple and banana, using honey as glue.
4. Cover the ball with millet seeds and serve it to your feathered visitors

 How to Make a Classic Coffee Filter Butterflies

 To Make This Butterfly Craft You Will Need

-  Markers
- Coffee filters
- Pipe cleaners
- Wooden clothespins
- Plastic spray bottle
- Tacky craft glue

 Directions for Coffee Filter Butterfly Craft

After gathering supplies, invite kids to smooth a coffee filter over a plate, pie pan, or stack of newspapers. Invite kids to dab the coffee filter with the markers.

When the filters are properly dotted, have the kids spray them with the water bottle.

Allow the coffee filter to dry completely

When the coffee filter is dry, scrunch the middle of it into a butterfly shape and secure with a clothespin. You can add a couple of dots of craft glue here. Cut a small length of pipe cleaner, then fold it into a V shape to make antennae for the butterfly. Slide the pipe cleaner into the clothespin.

If desired, secure the clothespin with a small dot of tacky craft glue.

Here are a few more, because..."I'm bored" can stay right in time out this summer!

1. Paper Roll Crafts: Collect toilet paper rolls or paper towel rolls and turn them into various crafts. You can create binoculars, pencil holders, or even make a mini city using painted and decorated rolls.
2. Bottle Cap Magnets: Save bottle caps from drinks and turn them into magnets. Decorate the caps with colorful paper, stickers, or small drawings, and attach magnets to the back. You can use them to display artwork or hold up notes on your fridge.
3. Egg Carton Flowers: Cut out individual cups from an egg carton and paint them in different colors. Attach a green pipe cleaner as a stem, and you have a lovely bouquet of flowers.
4. Tin Can Planters: Clean and decorate empty tin cans. Fill them with soil and plant small herbs or flowers. You can also paint the cans to add a personal touch.
5. Paper Plate Masks: Use paper plates to create masks of animals, superheroes, or any characters you like. Paint them, add details using markers, and attach a string or elastic to wear them.
6. Popsicle Stick Picture Frames: Glue popsicle sticks together to create a frame shape. Decorate the frame with paint, glitter, or small beads. Insert a photo or draw a picture to display in your custom-made frame.
7. T-Shirt Tote Bag: Repurpose an old t-shirt into a reusable tote bag. Cut off the sleeves and neck, then stitch or tie the bottom of the shirt to create a bag shape. You can decorate it with fabric paint or sew on patches for added style.
8. Paper Bag Puppets: Take a paper bag and draw or cut out features to create a puppet. Use markers, construction paper, and googly eyes to add details. Let your creativity flow and put on a puppet show!
9. Homemade Playdough: Make your own playdough using flour, salt, water, and food coloring. Mix the ingredients together until you have a smooth and pliable dough. Shape it into animals, food items, or anything else you can imagine.
10. Button Art: Gather different buttons in various colors and sizes. Create a design or picture on a piece of cardboard or canvas using glue, and then arrange and stick the buttons onto the glue to complete your artwork.

*Jeana Lavallee, Wearer of many hats, Kin Mom, Edie's Gigi, Autism mom*


My Child Only Eats Three Things


Summer Fun For Bored Kids