Vermont Kin, Foster and Adoptive Families Training Catalogue is HERE!
Caregiver Coaching Calls start July 28 from 6:00-7:30pm and are open to any kin, foster, or adoptive families who have taken VCWTP classes.
The June 2022 Vermont Kin, Foster and Adoptive Families Training Catalogue is now available online. The trainings are offered free of charge through The Vermont Child Welfare Training Partnership between the University of Vermont’s Dept. of Social Work and Vermont’s Dept. for Children and Families.
The June 2022 catalogue can be viewed here.
Trainings for kinship caretakers include:
Kinship Coaching Connections: Listening Well
RPC+ Trauma-Informed Parenting Skills
Vermont Consortium for Adoption and Guardianship Trainings
To learn more about training and education offered through VCWTP visit their Online Learning Program page.